The sky is no longer the limit for Busch Vacuum Solutions

By Busch (UK) Ltd
schedule28th Sep 20

The Mars rover “Perseverance“ started its mission to Mars and will hopefully bring back rock samples from Mars for future research. To make such missions possible, a lot of research is necessary before the actual start into space. Busch Vacuum Solutions collaborated with the European Space Agency, Fluid Gravity Engineering Ltd and the University of Glasgow to realise a research project to prepare space missions like this. Vacuum pumps from Busch are part of a system that studies the behaviour of a rocket when it lands on the surface of Mars or the Moon.

With the help of this complex system, the landing of a rocket is simulated, and the surface of Mars and the Moon is imitated on the basis of different pressure levels. The surface of the Moon, for example, is in an ultra-high vacuum, and the surface gravity is only one-sixth of that of the earth, which means that a human being would weigh only one-sixth as much on the Moon as on the Earth. Parameters like this have an influence on the forces that act when a rocket lands on the surface of the Moon. And exactly these are simulated with the vacuum system. The change in the Moon's dust is captured and recorded by high-speed cameras.

Using the right vacuum technology was the key to achieving the ideal test conditions. The vacuum system from Busch Vacuum Solutions provides the perfect conditions and helps to support the research of future space missions.

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